Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I started to realize marker is so dam fun !!

The starting of this marker class, i really dam hate this subject because it take so dam long time to finish 1 piece of artwork and also i got phobia from the previous sem which is year 1 sem 2 drawing 2 class, it's something similar of that class (i dam hate this becz im always the last 1 to finish the artwork and also my grade isnt dat great), which is like using different of colour (nid to explore the colour urself and experiment in order to get the true colour) and paint it on a piece of water colour paper. The only different now is using wacom instead of using brush and poster colour. So yeah, today got critic by my lecturer boon siong, woots, he gave me an F*king A for the latest artwork !! omFg, i didnt expect an A for this shit actually!! but in fact i got it! well, maybe i ate alots of chicken recently, dam kai lo~~ haha, so cold rite ~~ =.=v

here's the marker i did recently, all of them spent almost all my F*king weekend to finished it!!

My 1st A for marker !! ^.^v

Oyea, jz now after marker class, me n my gang went for a photoshooting session nearby toa,sunway area. We were trying to finish our shutterspeed assignment, motion 1 ~~ all the pics below are strictly no edit or ps-ed. Play with the setting of shutterspeed and apperture. Used tripod with this.

I love this

This also my favourite, bt my fren reserve d~~

used a flash light to cr8 a lomo-like or perhaps vintage effect

i luv this too

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