So today monday supposingly my mood is down because of having stupid marker rendering class at the noon 2.30, but i decided to buy new lens be4 i head to the class. My mum came along wif me. So, supposinly im looking for D90 kit lens 18 to 105 mm, but ended up, i bought 2 different lens which is 50 to 200 mm nikon lens and another 1.8 apperture nikon fix lens. The fix lens is quite handy while you come to model shooting, due to its 1.8 apperture, the background will be super blur (it's blur if compare to normal kid lens apperture 3.5). Spent around 1.5 k for this two lens, fix lens 400, 50 to 200 mm cost 1.1k.
Nikon fix lens 1.8 apperture
50 to 200mm nikon tele lens
experiment, using fix lens to took this shot in my room, as u can see, the 1.8 apperture background is F*king blur compare to my previous 3.5 apperture
phewyouwit, im rdy for shooting this saturday !! =)
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